Let's Talk | 888-212-1113 | services@tidmorerps.com

Our Firm


Achieving your goals for yourself, your family, and your business requires active, strategic financial advice and services – the same kind Dennis L. Tidmore and his family run business has been providing since 1977.   Goals for your family are the same as our goals; working together to ensure your goals are met.

For personal advice and a process that ensures your retirement plan is working as efficiently as possible individuals and plan participants turn to Tidmore Retirement Planning Specialists.

Taking Care of Business.

"My clients work hard at running their companies. They are constantly creating systems to improve their businesses and take care of their families and employees," says Dennis. "Our firm is focused on improving outcomes at retirement so they can spend worry-free time concentrating on all the other important things in their lives."  Whether you are across town or across the country, know you can count on our firm for advice, services and strategies for you, your family, and your business.


Dennis L. Tidmore


Desirée R. (Tidmore) Fiktus


Douglas L. Tidmore


Laura E. (Tidmore) Kluczarov