Let's Talk | 888-212-1113 | services@tidmorerps.com

Individual Wealth Management

Wealth Management Advisory Services

Signature service revolves around a 4 step process:

Assessment, Selection, Allocation, Monitoring/Review to improve financial outcomes at retirement.  

 The CEFEX certification ensures that the advisor has prudent fiduciary practices in place and a culture of excellence, supported by documented and structured processes.

  • Serve as an independent fee based ERISA 3(38) Fiduciary Advisers
  • Dividend Growth Strategy (S&P 500 portfolio) and Model Portfolios that utilize      no- load Institutional Mutual Funds and ETFs.
  • Provide a Lifestyle/Retirement Income Plan; updated annually.
  • Provide Quarterly Fiduciary Monitoring Reports to monitor and assess the portfolio.
  • Annually review the client’s financial goals & outcomes, address income needs and asset allocation.

Client Communication

  • Social Security: What age should I begin benefits?
  • Annuities: Is that a good investment vehicle for me?
  • Nearing Retirement: Prepare for the golden years!

Covering the basics on how much you will need and how long your investments will last into your retirement.